In the history of Rome, the Latin term civitas (Latin pronunciation: [ˈkiːwɪtaːs]; According to Cicero in the time of the late Roman Republic, was the social body of the cives, or citizens, united by law. It is the law that binds them together, giving them responsibilities on the one hand and rights of citizenship on the other.The civitas is not just the collective body of all the citizens, it is the contract binding them all together, because each of them is a civis. (ref. Wikipedia)
FONTS AND PINTS - Is a concept that was developed from two business' that I have worked with. One was involved in the creation of unique FONTS for signs and other graphical communications. The other created and sold products that were marketed, in some cases by PINTS. The backstory will be part of the foundation story of this membership platform. The business model will be a subscription or membership site built around helping members leverage their mission. The operative phrase is The Place God calls you is The Place your Deep Gladness and The World's Deep Hunger meet.
The tag line is, FONTS AND PINTS, Inspiration from letters and libations.
The tag line is, FONTS AND PINTS, Inspiration from letters and libations.
Building the Membership
Product One - Physical Book promotion to share ideas on getting "unstuck".
Product Two - Digital Version of the book.
Product Three - Audio Version of the book.
Product Four - Online Master Class of the book.
Product Incentives - Each up sell will have incentives to purchase the upgrade. These are in development but may include digital lists that support the use of the product they are purchasing. Access to other digital products and offers of services to members to help them get "unstuck."
Online Learning Courses
In addition to the Master Class for "Don't Be So Hard On Yourself!" there are courses in development that will be promoted through a variety of platforms. The Place Network is a founding member of the platform Teachingly. In addition to our own courses, Teachingly access will be offered to partners and clients.
Affiliate Marketing
There are many stellar products out there. Prezentar has finally brought together an outstanding offering that FONTS AND PINTS is excited to promote to our partners and clients. We will also be offering training and support to the partners and clients we sell to.
A written review that you can download or you can watch the Prezentar Product Review.
Product Development Services
Building the offerings of FONTS AND PINTS CIVITAS is part of the business. Providing these creation services to individuals that are trying to build their business or brand we will create opportunities through packaging of services to offer to members and prospects. These services will be packaged as DO IT YOURSELF (DIY), DO IT WITH (DIW), and DONE FOR YOUR (DFY). These levels will help meet prospects where they are in their creation cycle.
FONTS AND PINTS GOLD will provide content creation services. Our process for Content Marketing is our Capture, Curate, Create model. Proposals will follow a DIY, DIW, and DFY format. Our process and Content Creation tools will help us scale this business.
Projects and Inspiration
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